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Dain Kearins

Blog 1 'running late'

Greetings yall and welcome to my first actual blog post.

I am working with a small group of fellow students (Allira, Cairo, Ethan and Tabitha) on a new film, dubbed, (drumroll please)...

Running Late

or at least, that's our working name.

It is a comedy about a person (most likely a fictional uni student) who stands from their bench, sees the time, realises their late, and then proceeds to run through various comedic shots. Meanwhile, a person they have knocked over near the start of the film causes a police investigation that eventually catches up to them.

The setting is very similar to real life but with an added level of absurdity that will hopefully give the audience a laugh (or at least a chuckle).

The humour is very much inspired by Monty Python's The Holy Grail.

So far our progress has been mostly organisational, deciding everyone's roles, picking a filming location, etc.

For instance, we have worked out everyone's crew roles:

Allira - Writer

Cairo - Safety/Main character

Ethan - Soundtrack

Tabitha - Costume/Poster Design

And I have the roles of Cinematographer and Editor.

I even have a proper camera and tripod, which will hopefully add to the overall quality of the film, although there was a bit of a worry during some equipment testing that it couldn't actually film video. But Ethan managed to find the right setting and button (big thanks).

Along with all the production roles, everyone will make an appearance as a character in the film. Obviously, Cairo will be the main but we plan to have various gags that will include all of us (apparently I will be costumed as an old lady which will be interesting, to say the least)

An organisational task I was given this week was to scout out possible shot locations, this was a good test for my photography skills as well as my legs as I had to squat with my backpack on to get the angle the tripod would. It was also nice just to walk around the Calighan campus.

You can check out a few of these scouting shots below, you may even see these appear in the final film.

My thoughts looking forward:

  • It will be tricky to balance filming the actual shots with my work from other assignments

  • the idea of the film is not completely formed but in a workable/promising state

  • it will be interesting to see everyone in my team once we've all fully settled into our production roles.

And also, apologies for the slightly delayed post. There are a lot of assignments that I am running late on currently.

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